Kiev & Lvov
by Dorian Cara
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About the Ebook
Venti di guerra soffiano oggi in una delle ultime nazioni in bilico tra Est e Ovest.
Quanto è difficile la convivenza ! Conservare bellezza, cultura, libertà ! Dove ritrovare energie ? Dove ricostruire ponti ?
Kiev e Lvov sono luoghi ricchi di storia e generosi verso la storia e verso il futuro. Ma noi quanto siamo disposti a donare ?
The winds of war are blowing today in one of the last nations in the balance between East and West.
How difficult is it to live together ! Keep beauty, culture, freedom !
Where to find energy ? Where to rebuild bridges ?
Kiev and Lvov are places full of history and generous towards history and towards the future. But we do what we are willing to donate ?
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Travel
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 72 pgs
- Publish Date: May 25, 2014
- Last Edit May 26, 2014
- Language Italian
- Keywords kiev, lvov, ukraina, landscapes, architecture, people, ortodox, churches
About the Creator
ENG Historian and art critic, committed to the enhancement of the Italian and foreign cultural and historical-artistic heritage, through projects of protection, cataloging, research, photography. He collaborates with numerous public and private entities and has written several books. He organizes cultural trips in Italy and abroad, thanks to his series "I Viaggi di Dorian Cara", specializing in Southern Italy, the Balkans and Russia, Turkey, the Middle East, Caucasus, Iran and Uzbekistan, Northern India. ITA Storico e critico d’arte, impegnato nella valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e storico-artistico italiano ed estero, attraverso progetti di tutela, catalogazione, ricerca, fotografia. Collabora con numerosi enti pubblici e privati e ha scritto diversi libri. Organizza viaggi culturali in Italia e all’estero, grazie alla sua collana “I Viaggi di Dorian Cara”, specializzata nel Sud Italia, Balcani e Russia, Turchia, Medio Oriente, Caucaso, Iran e India del Nord.