Dengie Peninsula Ebook
Early stormy morning
by Andy Miller
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About the Ebook
The folio starts with shots of St. Peter-ad-Murum, which is one of the most astonishing survivals in England. It stands in a remote spot by the North Sea at Bradwell-juxta-Mare, on the Dengie peninsula in Essex, where it has stood since about 650 AD.
St. Cedd was sent from Lindisfarne to evangelise the East Saxons, and built himself a church on the site of the Roman fort of Othona. It was built across the walls of the fort, thus acquiring its name, sometimes Anglicised as St. Peter-on-the-Wall. This is the church that still stands today, which could fairly be described as England's oldest cathedral still in existence.
St. Peter's drifted out of common knowledge, serving a number of purposes, including that of a lighthouse, and was for many years used by local farmers as a barn. It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that it was recognised as being an extraordinarily ancient church. It was reconsecrated in 1920, and has regular services, being also the destination for an annual pilgrimage on the first Saturday in July.
The folio then goes on to present shots of the bird sanctuary and estuary at low tide - remnants of the oyster beds can be clearly seen. In some shots the kent flats wind farm can be seen in the far distance.
I hope you enjoy this folio - I enjoyed visiting the site, taking the shots and generating the images as high dynamic range pictures.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Fine Art Photography
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 20 pgs
- Publish Date: Apr 27, 2012
- Last Edit May 29, 2023
- Language English
- Keywords Estuasry, Sunrise, Landscape
About the Creator
Almost all my images are shot with Nikon and Hasselblad digital cameras from one of the first digital point and shoots to my latest acquisitions a Nikon Z8 and pair of Nikon Z9. My focus is wildlife – primarily teeth and claws – but right now I go almost anywhere to shoot anything new to me. For my personal work -- 2016 & 2017 were years of discovery for me and my photography. Spending over 16 weeks on a safari in Africa; taking lots of opportunity to engage with top pros on workshops and seminars; and in travelling to shooting opportunities around the UK and Europe. From May 2020 when the enforced lockdown limited my shoots I acquired a Hasselblad X1D-II and many lenses to begin my medium format journey and set up a studio; now with a the X2D 100C. Back to Africa in 2023 for 3 weeks and so the next phase begins.