Photo Submission Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some tips on how to best photograph yourself and your book when submitting images to Blurb! This allows our creative team to best showcase your work across our various channels.

Tips to remember when photographing your book 

An example of a very well-photographed book by a Blurb author. Clear, easy to read, good light.


• Showcase your book on a clean surface
• Have ample and even lighting
• Leave space around your book (we can always crop in, but we can’t crop out)
• Photograph in landscape orientation
• Capture both the cover and some interior pages
• Upload full-size original images (the more, the better!)

The same book but not as clearly photographed: obscuring shadows, busy background, harder to read


• Have objects or shadows overlapping your book
• Photograph in a dimly lit area
• Crop tightly around your book
• Photograph in portrait orientation
• Overlay watermarks or social media handles
• Submit third-party images or mockups

When photographing yourself

Portrait of a woman holding a book in very good light, demonstrating for Blurb authors how to photograph themselves along with their work


• Have a clean, simple background
• Face your light source
• Leave space around your face/body (we can always crop in, but we can’t crop out)
• Photograph in landscape orientation
• Have someone photograph you (though selfies are okay, in a pinch)
• Upload full-size original images (the more, the better!)

Same woman, but now demonstrating how not to photograph yourself, with a busy background and uneven lighting.


• Have a background that’s busy
• Photograph in a dimly lit area
• Have your light source to your back
• Crop tightly around your face/body
• Photograph in portrait orientation
• Overlay watermarks or social media handles

Some examples we love

A grid of 12 Blurb books, all beautifully photographed
A grid of portraits of 12 Blurb authors, also beautifully photographed


We can’t wait to check out your work—and thanks for choosing to publish with Blurb!

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