Dispatches: Interview with Frank Jackson

Black and white image of photographer Frank Jackson
Frank Jackson images

Frank Jackson is a Los Angeles-based photographer known for his narrative stories and whimsical imagery. Frank works primarily in black and white and spends much of his time on the road exploring things that require time, patience and a quiet mind. What follows are my notes from our session.

Corner cutter. Handheld embosser. Fountain pen. Paper. Tangibility. Jazz. Good, good Jazz.

Such a thoughtful guy. A guy with feeling and kindness and knowledge. Did I mention Jazz. The house we are in is one of royalty. The black and white legends hang from the walls and the bloodline I cross over as my shadow darkens the door is the top. The best. Pure. Residue. I don’t put two and two together until Frank shows me the way. “No way,” is all I can say. The light is working, showing itself to me, showing off even. White hot, colorless Los Angeles filtered through the Spanish style and stucco. It works. My mind says stark, dark, graphic and unclear. It’s so f%$#$%$ obvious. It comes from doing this again and again, year after year. You know it and you know it FAST.

There are dual conversations. The one actually happening and the other in my mind as I tile the story together. I love being here, but I’m perpetually frustrated because we never just get to hang. Talk. Listen without speaking, even to each other.

Listen to the entire interview above.

About Dispatches Series

Dispatches, a production of Blurb’s Creative Evangelist Daniel Milnor, is an in-depth look at those living artistic lives. Each episode will feature photographs and audio conversations with artistic pioneers who have devoted their lives to the arts. From artists to authors, photographers to philosophers, Dispatches will reveal the faces and foundations of those who lead the creative way.


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