Dispatches: Interview with Elana Schlenker

Elana Schlenker is a designer and art director with a focus on book design. In addition, she produces a wonderful publication titled Gratuitous Type.

What is this thing? In her words, “Gratuitous Type is an occasional pamphlet of typographic smut.” This has to be the best subtitle in history, and this magazine is flat-out beautiful—not to mention filled with the kind of things that make me what to make, style, design, shoot, show, etc.

There are a lot of people out there who don’t think this is possible. Elana proves it is, and does so with a publication that is intensely personal as well as popular. Even the folks at MOMA have it in their collection (always a sign you might be on to something). There are many points to take away from this interview. Have a listen and just do.

Elana Schlenker

Listen to the interview above or here.

About Dispatches Series

Dispatches, a production of Blurb’s Creative Evangelist Daniel Milnor, is an in-depth look at those living artistic lives. Each episode will feature photographs and audio conversations with artistic pioneers who have devoted their lives to the arts. From artists to authors, photographers to philosophers, Dispatches will reveal the faces and foundations of those who lead the creative way.


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