12 DIY Kitchen Wall Décor Ideas

Life at home tends to revolve around the kitchen, from prepping meals and packing lunches, to planning family activities and entertaining guests. It’s the room where everyone gathers for conversation, creation, and connection, so you want to make it functional and fun. Use these 12 DIY kitchen wall décor and wall art ideas to create a stylish and inviting space that foodies, friends, and family will enjoy.

01 Garden & Harvest Photography

One of the joys of cooking is using fruits, vegetables, and herbs fresh from the garden. You can also bring that natural beauty into your home with seasonal photographs – garden and harvest photography makes great kitchen wall décor. Try turning photos of your own vegetable garden or fruit trees into lovely wall art or print images from family trips to the pumpkin patch, apple orchard, or farmers’ market.

DIY Kitchen Wall Décor Idea: Garden Photography

02 Family Recipe Card Series

Food has a beautiful legacy in many families, including recipes that have been passed down through the generations. Instead of tucking away those treasured recipe cards, turn them into unique DIY kitchen wall décor. Enlarge the original handwritten notes, frame your favorites, or design a keepsake collage combining recipes, memories, and photos of your loved ones.

03 Art & Memorabilia Shelves

Floating shelves are a great way to decorate your kitchen walls. Display photos, cookbooks, and mementos while adding personality to your kitchen walls. This is also the perfect spot to show off any unique culinary objects or antique utensils. You can easily rotate out items as the seasons change or you update your décor.

04 Inspirational Quotes

We start each day in the kitchen—even if it’s just to grab a cup of coffee or a quick bite—so it’s a wonderful place to instill a little inspiration and positivity into your routine. Decorate your kitchen walls with inspirational quotes and sayings. Make it extra personal by documenting words of wisdom from someone in your family, or go with your favorite quotes from writers, artists, or creative thinkers you admire.

DIY Kitchen Wall Décor Idea: Recipe Cards

05 International Café Art

Some of our fondest food memories are created when we’re traveling to new places and open to discovery. Maybe you stumbled upon the perfect cappuccino or a dynamite dessert, or you’ll always remember the charming sidewalk cafés in a distant city. Relive those culinary adventures and special moments each day by creating your own DIY kitchen wall décor from your top travel photos.

06 Menu Wall Décor  

Whether it’s a special birthday dinner or a classic holiday feast, there are some meals you will always remember (and look forward to eating again). Document the dishes from your most memorable, home-cooked feasts and design a set of menu-themed kitchen wall art. Use the lettering style, text color, and illustrations that fit your kitchen décor—from rustic to modern, vintage to industrial.

07 Abstract Still Life Photos

Get your favorite foods ready for a close-up! This photo project is a fun twist on the classic still life. Break out your macro lens or use the macro setting on your camera to capture all the intricate textures, colors, and patterns of fruits and veggies. Then print your abstract creations to create intriguing kitchen wall décor.

DIY Kitchen Wall Décor Idea: Abstract Art

08 Food Alphabet Prints

Want to make your kitchen a place that inspires a love of food and learning? Design a set of food alphabet art prints featuring your favorite foods (A is for Asparagus!). Inspired by the classic ABC books, this DIY kitchen wall art project is not just a playful idea for families with kids, it can be a stylish addition to any home. You can make simple, colorful acrylic, metal, or canvas prints for a contemporary look, create illustrations with a vintage feel, or use your own photos.

09 Kitchen Word Art

Sometimes all we need is a reminder of the simple joys that bring us together. You can’t go wrong with kitchen wall décor based on simple kitchen sayings, like “Gather” or “Eat, Laugh, Love.” Think about your own family traditions and moments you’ve shared together as inspiration. Then create an original wall art print that captures your style: clever, quirky, classy, joyful, or serene.

When in doubt, go all out with a gallery wall. For this DIY kitchen wall décor, gather photos, paintings, illustrations, and mementos that you love—in all different sizes—and arrange them to create a unique wall display. You can build your collection around a certain theme, decorative style, or color—or simply make a visual collage that inspires you.

11 Word Collage Wall Art

The kitchen is a place for experimenting with new foods and flavor combinations, where innovative ideas come to life in delicious ways. Express your creative side—or get the whole family involved—to create a collage of words and illustrations that celebrate your home kitchen. For this kitchen wall décor project, try a simple black and white design for a contemporary look, or go for a big, bold color palette.

12 Color by Theme

If you already have a kitchen color scheme, use that as inspiration for your kitchen wall art. Make a vibrant collection of food photography, illustrations, or abstract designs that coordinate with the room. Want to put people in the right food mood? According to color psychology, green is associated with health and abundance, yellow is cheery and comforting, while orange and red can make people hungry. But you don’t have to overthink it—just have fun!

What’s your favorite way to decorate a kitchen wall? Start creating your original design now, or keep exploring the blog for more wall art inspiration.

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