Stuart James Strong
M.B., Ch. B. (Bristol 1956). D. Path (London). FRCPC.
December 7, 1932 - February 29, 2020
Jim Strong was born during the Depression in South-Western England, in the village of Banwell, Somerset. Living "close to the ground" and emerging through WW2 ingrained in him resourcefulness, industriousness, cleverness, diligence and humanitarianism that carried him through life. Lacking adequate financial means, he strove to attain a place at Bristol university and managed to sustain his studies to qualify in medicine. He worked his way from Medical Officer in the RAF all the way to Sudbury Ontario Canada to become the Director of Pathology a Memorial Hospital, and Medical Director of the Blood Transfusion Service. Dr Theo Ciszewski, described him as “a great human being, very cordial to everybody around, helpful on every occasion, a very wise man, a very good physician and extremely good organizer of Canadian Blood Service. All Canadians should be proud of him".