My husband has been suffering from erectile dysfunction for two months now. We have been married for three years; when this issue triggered, I doubted him for cheating. I thought he might be sleeping with his secretary because there was no change in my feelings for him. After trying to do things naturally and failing time and again, I had stress about his health. We saw a specialist who diagnosed my husband with erectile dysfunction. Bad sex life can have adverse effects on other critical and essential pillars of a relationship.
The doctor gave some natural antidotes to work this issue out but to no avail. Following this, the doctor suggested that my husband should intake Viagra as it's a promising medication with fewer side effects. In the beginning, my husband was reluctant to be hooked up on drugs to have sex but, I insisted and, Viagra has done wonders for us. I feel like we are back in our honeymoon period. Life is all spiced up, and; there are no visible side effects of the drug