
Ju Shen Lee


Ju Shen Lee takes ‘Real . Life . Photos’ of resourceful people doing remarkable things in remote regions. She chronicles their readily seen and rarely seen daily lives in the arc of a day. Her photography builds bridges that connect people from different cultures living in different worlds in different times. She has undertaken 1-2 month photo expeditions to Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Many of Ju Shen’s photographs have been shortlisted for, and a number have won, international awards sponsored by prestigious institutions, including the Asia-Europe Foundation (2016), Beau Monde Traveler (2020), Royal Geographical Society (2021 and 2023), the International Photography Awards (2023), the Food Photography Awards (2023), and the Sony World Photography Awards (2024). She has published six photo books, and delivered lectures to international audiences at the Royal Geographical Society (Hong Kong and Singapore Branches), and the United World Colleges worldwide.

Books by Ju Shen Lee