Barbara Kendall Reed—aka BKendall
Barbara is an artist/author, known for her colorful abstract paintings as well as black and white renderings and poetry about life, often self-expressed through whimsy and natural environs.
In 2014, she published her first book, Life iZ Colorful and now Messages from a Butterfly for Humanity in 2021.
Reared on a military base in Utah, Barbara returned to her birthplace of New Orleans, Louisiana, where she received her B.F.A. degree from Xavier University. She worked as a corporate manager for seventeen years before picking up her paint brushes again and starting her own art business. Barbara’s art has been shown in solo and group exhibitions and has both private and public collectors. Her art has also appeared on the sets of Sitcom Living Single and movie Addiction. She continues to explore her creative journey at her home studio in middle Georgia where Barbara expands her works to include an animation video, a children’s book and more painting.