


<br> You need to upgrade the home bar with the top 10 best and popular rum liquor brands. If you need to select the right bottle of rum then this article will help you. Most of the rum brands come from places where sugarcane and molasses are produced. Those are the main ingredients of rum. The history of rum stretches towards the 1500s. <br><br> <br><br>Mainly five main categories of rum are available in the market. Gold rum, white rum, navy rum, spiced rum, and dark rum are them. All of them have unique tastes and ideal to sip with your friends. You can taste it with Mai Tai, Mojito Daiquiri, or any rum cocktail if you don’t prefer direct sipping of rum. <br><br> <br><br>1. Mount Gay<br><br> <br><br>Mount Gay is one of the famous rum liquor among users. It was established in 1703 and still runs smoothly. Mount Gay rum brand uses history, craft, and expert knowledge to produce this well-known product. Each and every bottle of rum comes