


Over The last few decades, a common offender has taken root in people's minds. There's a belief that Yoga, is about exercise and fitness. An additional offender is that Yogasanas (or Asanas) are only body movements and poses which are complicated to perform but make the body supple.

Yes, asana or postures do make the body supple. Just Stretching and of body movements do. However, yogasanas and Yoga are so far more than simply fitness tricks.
In the West, So that they too may benefit from it somewhere around the 19th Century and 20th Century, Indians introduced Yoga to the people. As expected it was a great success. But there started a commercialization of yoga, in order to make it even more attractive to the public. Yoga went from being an art, to a training session.
This is to Know, is dangerous. Yoga is not som