My Name is Wendell Fernandes, 24 living a great life next to my lovely wife Paula. It's kind of hard to talk about yourself when it wasn't a required. I live near Marlborough, close to my oldest brother. Young, passionate about wife, friends, and people around me. I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, I walk His path, and practice a great lifestyle which takes time, love and sacrifice. It has been a pleasure living this way, and God has been faithful. For the past 7 years, my other passion has been design & webdesign. I own a little freelance firm, located near Marlborough called, Dellustrations | www.dellustrations.com (Our Services and company). I also have some other passions that I could easily spend some time on. I draw since I was 5 years old, I play soccer whenever I can, basketball whenever I'm invited, softball only when I have gained courage to face the "unknown territory" with the guys at work - E-Dialog, Inc.