
Louise Lindsay

Key Largo, FL 33037

I practice mindful photography. I focus on being present and aware in the moment and cultivate paying attention. I am drawn to creating images of experiences which touch my heart. Living in Key Largo, FL and the mountains of North Carolina, as well as some traveling, all provide me with a wealth of experience that becomes the foundation of my photography practice. I set out to create images that capture not only what I see, but also the variety of emotions evoked by experiential moments which speak to me. Hopefully, anyone who views my images will be drawn to explore the various emotional resonances that arise from the encounter with one of my images.

I focus on noticing the light and discovering expression, whatever the subject matter. Years of paying attention to the natural and human environment inform my photography practice, as does my background in mindfulness meditation.

I often combine a series of images into a visual poem. I also write poems for some images.

Books by Louise Lindsay