About the Book
About the Creator
As a mother of six and grandmother of nine, I am blessed. I feel it has been a privilege for me to visit and enjoy so many different cultures and I want to inspire people to appreciate the diversity and splendor around us. After a 20-year career in Law, I retired and taught International Trade and Cross-Cultural Communication at Anhui University in China from 2002-2005. I also taught spring semesters in 2012 and 2013 in south India. My photography has won awards around the world with an exhibition in Tokyo last year and many medals from international competitions. I have also been awarded an National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship in 1980 and was a member of the first group of women attorneys to go to China in 1985. In 2004 I was given the Yellow Mountain award for excellence in teaching in China.I am very proud to have been able to finish this book and I hope many will be inspired by it. Enjoy your journey as I have mine!