About the Book
When the Sun Goes Down, A Verse by Gary Robbins 2-28-14
The earth becomes a landscape of intrigue and mystery, when the sun goes down. The world becomes bathed in dramatic hues of reds, orange and yellow, a celebration of the day's accomplishments. Long beams of a fading sun produce startling and imaginative images, never two exactly the same. And then as a reward, the magic light that photographers dream of, begins the process of converting daylight to nighttime, creating even more muse. And finally, as shadow begins to deepen, switches are used to illumine our surroundings with artificial light, offering moments of artistic opportunity, to capture time. Moonlight plays its part in providing galactic illumination for the image makers who stay true to natural light, thankful for the elegance and quiet that soothes our souls. But the shadows harbor a portend of what could be, a place where our lenses cannot penetrate. A story for another day, that ends, when the sun goes down.
The earth becomes a landscape of intrigue and mystery, when the sun goes down. The world becomes bathed in dramatic hues of reds, orange and yellow, a celebration of the day's accomplishments. Long beams of a fading sun produce startling and imaginative images, never two exactly the same. And then as a reward, the magic light that photographers dream of, begins the process of converting daylight to nighttime, creating even more muse. And finally, as shadow begins to deepen, switches are used to illumine our surroundings with artificial light, offering moments of artistic opportunity, to capture time. Moonlight plays its part in providing galactic illumination for the image makers who stay true to natural light, thankful for the elegance and quiet that soothes our souls. But the shadows harbor a portend of what could be, a place where our lenses cannot penetrate. A story for another day, that ends, when the sun goes down.
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About the Creator
Wolf Island Gallery
Clayton, NY
WOLF ISLAND GALLERY is a WEB based site owned and operated by GARY ROBBINS. We are located in the VILLAGE OF CLAYTON, in Northern NEW YORK, on the ST. LAWRENCE RIVER in a picturesqe area known as the THOUSAND ISLANDS. GARY operates a business ROBBINS PHOTOGRAPHY from his home in CLAYTON. From the WEB we sell PHOTO BOOKS and FINE PRINTS shipped to YOUR HOME. We may be contacted at garyrobbins@wolf-island.com.