And May God Protect Austria! Ebook
A Memoir of Excape from the Holocaust to a New Life in America
by Gerda F. Newbower
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About the Ebook
This riveting memoir of Gerda and Leo Newbower's successful escape from Austria after the anschluss by the Nazis in 1938, is rich with details from Gerda's extraordinary memory. She wrote this memoir while in her nineties, rich with extraordinary details of survival in her twenties.
Written over a period of several years, at the request of her daughter-in-law, it captures the vivid events of skill and luck that determined the difference between escape and internment.
Few are still alive who can recall that era and its nearly paralyzing impact on an enormous population of innocents -- this is one such person's story.
Written over a period of several years, at the request of her daughter-in-law, it captures the vivid events of skill and luck that determined the difference between escape and internment.
Few are still alive who can recall that era and its nearly paralyzing impact on an enormous population of innocents -- this is one such person's story.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Biographies & Memoirs
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 132 pgs
- Publish Date: May 20, 2012
- Last Edit Oct 07, 2019
- Language English
- Keywords World War II, memoir, Emigration, Jewish, Austria, Holocaust, exodus
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