Hanging On In Life
Advice from a screw up
by North Carolina Author Larry Coover
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About the Book
I have always been the type of person to challenge everything. If what you told me didn't make sense, I wasn't going to believe it until I saw for myself. If you couldn't explain the how's and why's of your advice, I had no reason to believe you. "Because I said so" really irked me. Advice From A Screw Up seemed to be a great sub-title since I screwed up so much of my life in finding out what the truth actually was.
The long life you think you have in youth slips by so quickly and as the saying goes; you wish you could do it all over again, knowing what you know now. Even us older people would still like to understand life better.
This book will give people many of those answers. I have written simple truths with a Native American type philosophy and a Christian based foundation. I tried to find the meaning behind the answers, because answers without meaning aren't believable, they bring you no peace. I hope this book brings peace to others in a shorter time then the 50 years it took me to find it. - Larry
The long life you think you have in youth slips by so quickly and as the saying goes; you wish you could do it all over again, knowing what you know now. Even us older people would still like to understand life better.
This book will give people many of those answers. I have written simple truths with a Native American type philosophy and a Christian based foundation. I tried to find the meaning behind the answers, because answers without meaning aren't believable, they bring you no peace. I hope this book brings peace to others in a shorter time then the 50 years it took me to find it. - Larry
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Self-Improvement
Project Option: 5×8 in, 13×20 cm
# of Pages: 22 - Publish Date: Mar 04, 2012
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