San Diego to St. Augustine by Bicycle Ebook
by Vern Zander
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About the Ebook
This book is about eleven of us mostly seniors cycling from San Diego to St. Augustine in the spring of 2009. Featured are the scenery, the food, wild flowers, bike repair, laundry, and snakes. We are from Columbia and Charleston, SC, from Atlanta and Columbus, Georgia. For one of us it was the seventh trip across, the second trip for two others, and the first trip for the rest of us. Our ages ranged from mid-50's to 70.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Travel
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 120 pgs
- Publish Date: Oct 17, 2011
- Last Edit Sep 12, 2016
- Language English
- Keywords cycling, across, the, southern, states
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About the Creator
105,000 miles on my bikes since 2003 when I started cycling and when I retired. I led the Chain Gang bike club--we ride weekly plus some weekend rides and out of state rides in Florida, Utah, Pacific Northwest. I live in Georgia but have bicycled in all fifty states as well as across the country from San Diego to St. Augustine. My photo appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Nov. 7, 2016.