About the Book
About the Creator
Leslie is known for her kindness and culinary skills. She holds degrees in psychology and culinary arts, lived in Germany for a year, is good with children, and worked as a ski lift operator in Colorado. She has very good social skills and is very creative. She loves her Spanish Water Dog Bella and lives with her husband in Livonia, MI. Michael is a retired automotive engineer who holds degrees in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. He loves photography, books, music, nature, food, science, silence, solitude, writing, and Lake Superior. He also co-created an underground student newspaper in high school. He is a Myers-Brigss type INFP and an Ennegram Type 5 Investigator. His Top 5 VIA character strengths are: curiosty, love of learning, appreciation of beauty/excellence, humility, and prudence. He lives with Leslie in Livonia, MI