Through Radiant Tree Books, SucceedandSoar.com, and her Fine Art America collections, Sandra Gould Ford [a former steelworker] presents art for healing and high achievement, to lift hearts and spirits, awareness and humanity.
Since childhood, Sandra composed poems and crafted plays. She attended the Saturday morning art classes at the Carnegie Museum of Art and took photographs.
Sandra Gould Ford’s arts career was influenced by Joseph Campbell’s belief that the world needs new myths and by Dr. Frederick Herzberg who said, “The humanities – far from being mere entertainment or glitter – offer THE pragmatic data for reflection.”
This graduate from the University of Pittsburgh’s Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences now enjoys sharing her experiences and creations to encourage, refresh, enrich creative thinking and inspire.
NOTE: For groups, Illustrated Wisdom journaling workshops are available either in person or online. [See description: https://youtu.be/p0EWj9oU3qc ]
Areas of Expertise
Creative Writing
Teaching Artist
Professional Affiliations
Authors Guild, Active Member status
Greater Pittsburgh Book Festival, Advisory Board
Pennwriters, Published Pen status
Poets and Writers
Science Fiction Writers of America, Active Member status
Writers of Kern
Master of Fine Arts, Creative Writing, University of Pittsburgh
Associate Degree in Specialized Technology, Photography/Multimedia
Bachelor of Arts, Media Communications, University of Pittsburgh