Marriage to the Church of Latter-Day Saints Ebook
A Modern-Day Love Story
by Amanda Begaye
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About the Ebook
Amanda Begaye explores the relationship between religion and its female members, more specifically inside the Church of Latter Days Saints. The LDS church or Mormons for short is one religion that not most people know a lot about, and Ms. Begaye highlights the core values and words to live by for its members, whether these are good or bad. In her opinion and experiences surrounding this religion, it tends to hinder the emotional and mental growth of its members from the start, specifically the effect it has on their female population. As she expresses that abuse of power religion has and how the viewer needs to take caution, she wants them to be wise enough to leave if it hurts them or those close to them.
This photo book is a culmination of all those thoughts.
This photo book is a culmination of all those thoughts.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
- Additional Categories Religion & Spirituality, Wedding
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 27 pgs
- Publish Date: May 01, 2020
- Last Edit May 01, 2020
- Language English
- Keywords Wedding, Mormon, Begaye
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