roadwork Ebook
quadrant & intersection
by John Heseltine
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About the Ebook
Quadrant: two dimensional surfaces defined by twin axes, here arbitrarily caught by a curious eye. Sticky pavement receiving footfall, scarred by the urgency of vehicles in constant flight. Quadrant: selected sections of the fragile artificial surface applied to the planet, a temporary veneer. A distinctive part of our lives and landscape, unconsciously sending commanding signals to our brains, messages that arouse anger, frustration, alienation and highlight the sense of a lost time, a mythical age of pastoral innocence. A matrix of symbols that take on a strange beauty when viewed at close range. Quadrant: the detail defines the broader space.
Intersection: a road journey becomes a quest, a search for roadside symbols that yields imagery depicting the odd mixture of beauty, language and aggression that punctuates the wayside. Some of these images were made nearby, others record recent journeys in France, Italy and elsewhere. Everywhere the power of a symbol is the same. Even though these signs are understood from one country to another, there are subtle differences. The language and style of the built environment is just one of the cocktail of things that contributes towards a sense of place. Removing the painted marks from their familiar locations, detailing the texture of their home ground, combining fragments from very different places, juxtaposing and rearranging to provide an uncertain reality: an intersection.
Intersection: a road journey becomes a quest, a search for roadside symbols that yields imagery depicting the odd mixture of beauty, language and aggression that punctuates the wayside. Some of these images were made nearby, others record recent journeys in France, Italy and elsewhere. Everywhere the power of a symbol is the same. Even though these signs are understood from one country to another, there are subtle differences. The language and style of the built environment is just one of the cocktail of things that contributes towards a sense of place. Removing the painted marks from their familiar locations, detailing the texture of their home ground, combining fragments from very different places, juxtaposing and rearranging to provide an uncertain reality: an intersection.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
- Version Fixed-layout ebook, 76 pgs
- Publish Date: Oct 22, 2012
- Last Edit Oct 22, 2012
- Language English
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