
Jacki Green

Milan, Italy

Hi, my name is Jacki Green. I am a CEO specialist. On our website https://miglioriopinioni.com/, you can read the best reviews you have ever received. Why are they essential to you? E-commerce is constantly evolving. A focus on reviews from customers is a trend that is growing in popularity in the e-commerce world. Entrepreneurs have discovered that reviews are an effective social tool that is able to convince other people.
Review analysis has become a standard element of the buying process and selection. Here are some figures that show 70% of buyers read reviews prior to purchasing an item and 63% of them will select an online retailer that has ratings and a reviews of products and 67% require 6 reviews to be able to believe the reviews; 79% trust user reviews at least as much as they trust personal recommendations from acquaintances; and 80% of people have changed their minds regarding a product due to negative reviews they read online; an average 75 percent.