Crack open a truly great book—yours

This week we’ve got our noses in a few good books—and a couple of great articles—about wine. As always, we’re on the hunt for tasteful stories—the ones that only could be made by you and Blurb. So let’s raise a glass to some of the finer things in life: Wine, books, and you. Cheers!

The perfect pairing: Blurb and personalized wine journals

No matter what the experts tell us, wine tastes are personal, and the details you’ll want to record are too. That’s a wonderful reason to use Blurb to design and create your very own personalized wine journal.

Here’s how you’ll uncork your project:

Your notes are the nuts and bolts of your wine tasting journal. To keep track of what you’re drinking (you can’t keep all that in your head, right?), consider including each of these sections to be filled in as you sip:

  • Producer
  • Vintage
  • Varietal
  • Purchased from
  • Date purchased
  • Price
  • Remarks: Aroma, taste identification, acidity, structure, texture, balance


Adding images

What’s a book without a pretty picture? Upload some images to make your book sparkle. For instance, an aroma wheel in the front or back of your journal can be a great way to reference taste identification and a wine color chart can help you learn more about each vintage. Or consider adding pictures of your wine tasting adventures, sipping companions, and favorite vineyards.

Put a label on it
You could even add blank pages for pasting in labels from your favorite bottles. Easier said than done, you say? Anyone who’s attempted label removal surely has a sob story or two to share, but after a quick internal survey we’re found our favorite way to get it done is the boiling water method.

Step 1: Carefully pour boiling water into the empty bottle. Using a funnel is a good idea, and make sure you keep the label dry.
Step 2: Wait for a few minutes to allow the bottle to become hot from the water inside.
Step 3: With the aid of a knife or razor blade, carefully (carefully!) lift a corner and gently peel the label away from the bottle.

There’s more: Make a cellar book

For the wine collectors, bulk buyers, and hoarders among us, a cellar book is a handy way to keep track of the treasures lurking in your cellar (or garage or closet or cupboard under the sink…). Structured like a wine journal, you can make it as simple or complex as you wish. The trick is to remember to update it as you drink—just a little bit of homework goes a long way when it’s time to replace those empty bottles. Here are some key details you might want to include in your cellar book:

  • Background/Log
  • Wine/Vintage
  • Purchased from/Date/Price
  • Where stored/Quantity
  • Date consumed
  • Remarks
  • Withdrawn (number of bottles)
  • Remaining (number of bottles)

These are just pointers—we expect you’ve got acres of ideas for what to include in your own book. How about food matching notes? How good did the White Burgundy taste with those mussels? Did the “great value” Zinfandel go with the homemade burgers? Well, you get the idea. Ready to get started on your own book-making journey? Choose the tool that fits your book-making needs and you’ll end up with the perfect book (and have some fun on the way).


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