De hand van Ernst Cats
Flowforms & Sculpturen
by Jan Visser
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About the Book
Jan Visser met Ernst in may 2016 during his Flowforms & Sculptures exhibition in de Kruisruimte, Eindhoven. He was interesting. His work fascinated him.
‘De hand van Ernst Cats’, freely adapted from The master’s hand, is a book with still images. It depicts the many aspects of Ernst Cats’ artistic talent, the person within, his mental legacy and his oeuvre.
(book-preface in Dutch and English) | This is the large version of the book
‘De hand van Ernst Cats’, freely adapted from The master’s hand, is a book with still images. It depicts the many aspects of Ernst Cats’ artistic talent, the person within, his mental legacy and his oeuvre.
(book-preface in Dutch and English) | This is the large version of the book
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Large Square, 12×12 in, 30×30 cm
# of Pages: 122 - Publish Date: Nov 24, 2016
- Language English
- Keywords Flowforms, Sculptures
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About the Creator
Jan Visser
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
An eagerness for creativity brought me on the boundary between photography and art. Exploring this path since 2010, expanding photographic skills and absorbing the great ideas and works from the world of visual arts, and extending it into video. Enjoying magic in the creation of the image, moving beyond the visible.