About the Book
A compilation of randomly generated cartoon art, posters, and comics created purely by writing PostScript computer code. Nothing was drawn by hand.
Text includes a brief essay about working with randomness, and how the more complex works grew from the earlier, simpler ones. The artworks were created between 1992 and 2005.
2nd printing (open edition). 28 pages (24 interior pages + 4 cover pages).
Text includes a brief essay about working with randomness, and how the more complex works grew from the earlier, simpler ones. The artworks were created between 1992 and 2005.
2nd printing (open edition). 28 pages (24 interior pages + 4 cover pages).
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About the Creator
John Pound
California, USA
Working as a cartoonist and illustrator, I've painted art prints, book covers, comics covers, skateboards, and hundreds of stickers and trading cards, including Topps' "Garbage Pail Kids" and "Wacky Packages". Meanwhile, for over twenty years, I have been writing computer code that creates randomly-generated cartoon artworks: comics, prints, animations, and sketchbooks. Nothing is drawn by hand. Everything is drawn purely by code. I use Blurb to print personal copies of my code art sketchbooks, and prototype copies for developing art book compilations. I post some of my code artworks on my website, and many of them on my Tumblr blog, http://codecartooning.tumblr.com/ along with code-generated animations and videos.