NAF El Centro Through the Lenses of the Arizona Aviation Photographers
by Arizona Aviation Photographers
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About the Book
The Out-of-Towners is available for order through, a print-on-demand service that ships your books directly to you after purchase. Softcovers are available for $35.00, hardcovers for $45.00, and it is also available as an eBook download for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch for $9.99. Proceeds from the sale of The Out-of-Towners will be used to directly benefit the sailors aboard NAF El Centro.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Arts & Photography Books
Project Option: Standard Landscape, 10×8 in, 25×20 cm
# of Pages: 60 - Publish Date: Mar 04, 2013
About the Creator
Founded in 2009, Arizona Aviation Photographers (AzAP) is a group composed of Arizona-based photographers with a shared interest in aviation. Many members are veterans of the armed forces, others work in the aerospace field, some work as full-time professional photographers, some are pilots, and others are aviation enthusiasts with a passion for photography. AzAP's mission is to provide a means for Arizona-based photographers to record and preserve the southwest’s rich aviation heritage, both current and historical; to establish and maintain a forum for sharing and promoting each photographer’s unique vision and perspective on aviation-related subjects; to provide a mechanism to encourage and assist in further development and self-improvement as photographers; and to serve as an aviation-media resource for news media, museums, military, and the aerospace industry. For more information on AzAP, please visit us at