Biodiversity in the garden
Insects, spiders, snails, bugs and .....bugs
by Marko Lengar
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About the Book
Vrt, kjer se ne uporablja pesticidov, je lahko idealen življanski prostor za mnoge živali. Poleg vsem znanih večjih prestavnikov kot so ptice, sesalci in plazilci, je na vrtu polno žuželk kot so razne muhe, stenice, metulji in vešče ter majhni kožekrilci, pajki in drugi majhni členonožci.
V knjigi je na 120 straneh prikazan svet žuželk z mojega vrta, kjer se ne uporablja pesticidov, za gnojenje pa le kompost in organska gnojila.
Gardens provides valuable habitat for wildlife. The level of biodiversity in small garden is quite stunning.
In the book "Biodiversity in the garden" on 120 pages only a few representatives are shown from my garden where pesticides are not used, and only compost and organic fertilizer for fertilization.
V knjigi je na 120 straneh prikazan svet žuželk z mojega vrta, kjer se ne uporablja pesticidov, za gnojenje pa le kompost in organska gnojila.
Gardens provides valuable habitat for wildlife. The level of biodiversity in small garden is quite stunning.
In the book "Biodiversity in the garden" on 120 pages only a few representatives are shown from my garden where pesticides are not used, and only compost and organic fertilizer for fertilization.
Features & Details
- Primary Category: Home & Garden
Project Option: Standard Portrait, 7.75×9.75 in, 20×25 cm
# of Pages: 120 - Publish Date: Nov 18, 2010
- Keywords eko vrt, vrt, žuželke, spiders, snails, garden, bugs, Insects
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